Spy-X Spy Walkie Talkies

Availability: In stock (1)

Spy walkie talkies designed for spy kids: ergonomic design built for small hands, and belt clip for hand free spying - this is your child's first real walkie talkie that really works!

Long range comunication for the secret mission: long range antenna for 2-way communication up to 400ft range. Press the “talk button” to speak with your fellow in secret… just right for jr. Spies!
Simple & durable for spy roll play: durable design with interphone safety flexible antenna. Strong spy toy for indoor / outdoor rough play.

Find your fellow with cll function: call feature with “beep” sound effect to call your fellow agent in emergency situations. An essential spy gadget toy for buddy play!

Popular SpyX collection: collect all SpyX toys for the ultimate spy play experience. Prepare yourself for the next mission!

Ages 6+

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